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Feature Flags

Feature flags allow you to enable or disable certain features in your application.

Enabling or Disabling Features

All features are enabled by default. You can easily opt out of a feature by changing the value of the feature flag to false in the config file.

export const featureFlags: FeatureFlags = {
  payments: PaymentProviderType.Stripe,
  chatSupportWidget: true,
  feedbackWidget: true,
  toast: true,
  onboardingFlow: true,
  blog: true,
  docs: true,
  themeToggle: true,
  • payments: Payment provider to use
  • chatSupportWidget: Chat support widget displayed on the bottom right corner
  • feedbackWidget: Feedback widget on /feedback page on the dashboard app
  • toast: Display error toast notifications on marketing and dashboard app whenever an error is thrown from the API
  • onboardingFlow: Onboarding flow for new users
  • blog: Display blog section on the marketing app
  • docs: Display documentation section on the marketing app
  • themeToggle: Display theme toggle in the navbar (dark/light mode)

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